Monday, October 20, 2008


IdN v15n4: We Love Infographics p26-27

SPVZ may not, as Valentin Adam puts it, have any special meaning, but this French freelance graphic designer’s works certainly do. He has been freelancing since 2006, having studied graphics at the Olivier de Serres school of art and design in Paris.

Valentin Adam 取的 SPVZ 這個名字可能並沒有什麼特別的意義,不過這位法國自由職業平面設計師的作品的確相當特別。她在巴黎的 The Olivier de Serres school of art and design 學習完平面設計之後,從 2006年開始一直從事自由職業。

"When I’m working on graphic-design projects, the first challenge I have to overcome is that of things I like, as well as typography or various other elements."


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